Research has shown that even a slightly stiff spine can degrade the connection between a rider and their horse. If the rider is also in pain then their poor movement could permanently affect their horse.
Centaur Biomechanics, equine gait analysis experts, designed and ran a research study analysing 12 riders and their horses, from medium level up to European Medal Level.
The research showed an exciting and significant improvement in the movement of 11 horses after their rider received a series of Mobiliser sessions.
Clinical Spine Scans showed that changes in the rider’s thoracic spine, after Mobilising, correlated to improvement in the horses’ gait.
Some were as high as 10 degrees. The horses stayed softer and rounder covering the ground with more activity.
Most riders reported improved poise and less pain for several days and wanted these benefits permanently.
The Mobiliser – keeps you flexible, mobile and supple. It is the dressage rider’s secret weapon!