Why Pilates for Teenagers is essential
Exercise and keeping fit are important for all ages, but for teens who aren’t into team sports or going to the gym, Pilates is a good alternative form of exercise to practise. Compared to a lot of other aerobic gym exercise classes that promote the idea of, ‘No pain, no gain’ Pilates is far gentler, doesn’t put unnecessary stress on the body’s joints yet will still provide long-term benefits.
Young athletes, cyclists, dancers or any young person wanting to improve overall physical performance can benefit from including Pilates in their weekly routine.
How Can Pilates Be Beneficial For Teens?
There are many ways in which pilates can be a beneficial form of exercise for teens. It’s a very accessible exercise, is relatively easy to learn and doesn’t require special skills or expensive clothing or equipment.
Pilates is fantastic for helping to build body strength, stamina and flexibility, for sculpting and streamlining the body, but without adding muscle bulk. Regularly practising pilates can boost circulation, increase coordination, improve posture and body image as a whole, which many teens find highly beneficial.
As is true of participating in any type of exercise, Pilates can help teens to become more body confident and increase physical and mental well-being. Many of the exercises, focus on breathing and relaxation, which can teach teens useful ways of relaxing the body and mind.
Teenage Pilates Workshop here on Monday 2 August
To provide an opportunity for teenagers in and around our community to experience the advantages of Pilates we are hosting a special introductory Pilates for teenagers workshop .
In this 90 minute studio session teens between the ages of 13 and 16 can :-
- Learn skills to prevent injuries or long term spine problems associated with modern life.
- Gain awareness of spinal curvatures (texting neck), how to prevent it and avoid lower back problems in the future.
- Learn mind body connections which help to improve levels of concentration and focus, which can in turn help with mental health and anxiety.
- Enhance physical performance by working on the core muscles in the body to build core strength, especially in the back, abdomen and pelvic muscles.
- Gain confidence.
This fun, informative workshop is essential for the modern teen.